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Re: st: Polynomial Fitting and RD Design
Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Polynomial Fitting and RD Design
Wed, 31 Aug 2011 22:59:59 -0400
Patrick Button <[email protected]>:
Try redefining your x so that the discontinuity is at zero.
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Patrick Button <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello Stata users,
> I've been getting some unexpected Stata output when fitting polynomials
> using a pretty simple OLS regression.
> I am replicating a regression discontinuity design paper (Lee, Moretti and
> Butler 2004). The paper is here:
> Code and data are here:
> (I am using enricoall2.dta).
> I need to run a regression that fits a 4th degree polynomial separately
> for points of the running variable, x, below 0.5 and above 0.5. The
> regression includes a dummy variable for if x >= 0.5 or not as well. If
> there is a discontinuity at 0.5, then this is picked up in the coefficient
> on that dummy variable.
> In this case the running variable is the vote share that the Democratic
> candidate got in U.S. House of Representatives elections, including just
> the Democratic and Republican votes. So x < 0.5 means a Republican won,
> and >= 0.5 means a Democrat won.
> I would like to pool the data instead of running a separate regression for
> each side. This is one of the recommended methods in the RD literature.
> For some reason this method does not appear in the authors' code so I need
> to do it myself.
> I'm running and setting up the regression as follows:
> ***
> gen x = demvoteshare
> gen D = 1 if x >=0.5
> replace D = 0 if x < 0.5
> *Left Side Polynomial
> gen xa = (1-D)*x
> gen x2a = (1-D)*x^2
> gen x3a = (1-D)*x^3
> gen x4a = (1-D)*x^4
> *Right Side Polynomial
> gen xb = D*x
> gen x2b = D*x^2
> gen x3b = D*x^3
> gen x4b = D*x^4
> regress realincome D xa x2a x3a x4a xb x2b x3b x4b
> ***
> Based on what the authors of the paper got, graphical analysis, and logic,
> there should be no jump in realincome at 0.5. There is no reason why
> income should be suddenly much different for districts that democrats just
> barely won or just barely lost. If it is, this invalidates the regression
> discontinuity design. So the coefficient on D should be statistically
> insignificant. However, I get the following results:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> realincome | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf.
> Interval]
> -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
> D | 497414.5 94802.12 5.25 0.000 311589
> 683240.1
> xa | 34396.25 27783.67 1.24 0.216 -20063.66
> 88856.17
> x2a | -22571.61 234577.9 -0.10 0.923 -482377.5
> 437234.3
> x3a | -429659.3 655505.3 -0.66 0.512 -1714542
> 855223.6
> x4a | 667813.9 598416.4 1.12 0.264 -505166.7
> 1840795
> xb | -2805647 534665.3 -5.25 0.000 -3853667
> -1757628
> x2b | 5828381 1112850 5.24 0.000 3647038
> 8009724
> x3b | -5281210 1012800 -5.21 0.000 -7266441
> -3295979
> x4b | 1754682 339914.5 5.16 0.000 1088402
> 2420963
> _cons | 31536.64 501.1422 62.93 0.000 30554.33
> 32518.95
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have no idea why D is statistically significant, and why only the
> polynomial on the right side is statistically significant. This is not
> just a problem with this regression. I get messed up results for every
> regression I run that has a 4th degree polynomial on each side of 0.5.
> However, I do not get weird results like this when I use just one 4th
> degree polynomial (one for the entire thing) with the D dummy.
> Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I have no idea but I have a
> feeling that i'm missing something obvious.
> Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
> --
> Patrick Button
> Ph.D. Student
> Department of Economics
> University of California, Irvine
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