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st: reoprob claims to have no observations

From   Benjamin Volland <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: reoprob claims to have no observations
Date   Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:04:26 +0200

Dear statalisters,

I'm currently trying to run a dynamic ordered probit random effects
panel estimation as suggested by Woolridge (2005, Journal of Applied
Econometrics, Vol. 20 (1), pp. 39-54).
I therefore make use of the reoprob command written by Guillaume
Frechette (2001, Stata Technical Bulletin, Vol. 10 (59), pp. 23-27).
I am using Stata version 10.1.
The panel is unbalanced (between 5 and 12 observations per unit of
observation). The dependent has 12 steps. The independents contain the
LDV, a number of controls (mostly dummies), plus the initial value of
the dependent and the mean values of all independents (as suggested by
Woolridge). I run a simple pooled ordered probit model up front to
identify all variables that may cause problems of multicollinearity
(e.g. the mean values of sex and race are the same as the actual values
of sex and race). These are dropped before the reoprob estimation, which looks like this:

. reoprob foodc $indepvar $meanvarfood $ofoodvar firstfoodc, i(pid)

The program then (w/out any problem) runs through the constant-only model

. Fitting constant-only model:

. Iteration 0: log likelihood = -28629.788
. Iteration 1: log likelihood = -26312.933
. Iteration 2: log likelihood = -26271.232
. Iteration 3: log likelihood = -26269.137
. Iteration 4: log likelihood = -26269.133
. Iteration 5: log likelihood = -26269.133

but after the first iteration of the full model, stata tells me that
there are no observations

. Fitting full model:

. Iteration 0: log likelihood = -23495.781 (not concave)
. no observations
. r(2000);

Interestingly, when I specify the - trace - option it also performs
Iteration 1 before returning the same error code.
- xtreg ..., re - runs w/out problems (so does the user-written command
xtabond2 [Roodman]).
Does anyone have a suggestion how I could fix this?

Thanks so much, Ben

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