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st: New package -labutil2- available from SSC

From   daniel klein <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: New package -labutil2- available from SSC
Date   Tue, 23 Aug 2011 22:42:53 +0200

Thanks once again to Kit Baum, a new package -labutil2- is available from SSC.

-labutil2- is composite package of 13 of my ado files intended to
manage value (and variable) labels. Here is a short description


labuti2 is a bundle of programs to manage value and variable labels.
dslab searches value labels for string pattern, labdu eliminates
unused value labels or deletes values from value labels, labellist
lists and returns contents of value labels attached to variables,
labmm modifies multiple value labels, labmv changes numeric missing
values to extended missing values preserving value labels, labrec
modifies value labels and recodes variables accordingly, labunab
unabbreviates a list of exisitng value labels, labvalch3 changes text
in value labels, labvalcl clears value labels of null strings,
labvalpool pools sets of value labels, labvars labels a list of
varibles, txtlabdef defines value labels from a text file and uselab
lists value labels together with variables using them.

In Stata type

ssc inst labutil2

or, in case you have already downloaded one of the files separately

ssc inst labutil2 ,replace

to install the package.

Once installed type

h labutil2

to view an index-help file linking to the help files of all included programs.

The package is inspired by the original -labutil- (findit labutil) by Nick Cox.

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