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st: Stata 13

From   Maurizio Pisati <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Stata 13
Date   Tue, 23 Aug 2011 10:11:32 -0500

Dear Rafal,
here are some of my ideas for Stata 13.


1. New commands
- Latent class analysis
- Multilevel multinomial logistic regression (-xtmemlogit-)
- Multilevel generalized linear models (-xtmeglm-)
- Commands for fitting distributions regression-wise (see, e.g., user-written commands -skewnreg-, -skewtreg-, -invgammafit-, -betafit)

2. Improvement of existing commands
- Extend the logic of factor variables to quantitative variables, introducing operators that represent various kinds of transformation (e.g.: cs#.varname -- cubic spline with # nodes; ln.varname -- natural logarithm). This would make it easy to use -margins- to get quantities of interest for quantitative variables (with the current set of operators, only polynomials are handled nicely by -margins-).

3. Documentation
- A "Mata for dummies" manual -- unveiling Mata's potentialities in a plain language and with a lot of practical examples (Bill's way, so to speak) -- would be a great asset for many Stata/Mata programmers.

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