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st: -nlcorr- available on SSC

From   Ulrich Kohler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -nlcorr- available on SSC
Date   Tue, 23 Aug 2011 12:43:41 +0200


The new package -nlcorr- by myself and Kristian Karlson has been
available on SSC for quite a while but was never advertised on
Statalist. So here is the advertisment:

-nlcorr- estimates the (partial) correlation between the predictor
variable(s) of a nonlinear probability model and the latent
variable, y*, assumed to underlie an discrete outcome. This correlation
metric, developed by Breen, Karslon, and Holm (2011), can be used to
draw cross-group comparisons based on non-linear probability models in a
range situations met in applied research.  The program also calculates
the standard error of the Fisher transformed  correlations, obtained by
the delta method.

For more details check out the help-file, Kristian Karlson's
presentation on this year's German Stata Users Group meeting
(, or the article 
Breen/Karlson/Holm (2011). 

To install the program type

. ssc install nlcorr


Breen, R./Karlson, K.B./Holm, A. (2011): A Reinterpretation of
Coefficients from Logit, Probit, and other Non-Linear Probability
Models: Consequences for Comparative Sociological Research. Working
paper (June 14)available at SSRN:

Ulrich Kohler

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