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Re: st: merging same variables within a dataset
Dmitriy Glumov <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: merging same variables within a dataset
Mon, 22 Aug 2011 09:04:11 -0400
Thank you very much for your help. Your suggestion has solved the
problem and I was able to run the code without any problems. Once
again, thank you.
On Aug 19, 2011, at 4:01 PM, Eric Booth wrote:
> <>
> Sorry for the delay -- I've been away from the office. In case you haven't solved your problem yet:
> You could change the "by Name:" parts of the code in my example to "by Name Company", where appropriate, however, this isn't as straightforward after the data are reshaped. So, I think a faster solution is to tack on the company to the name and -bysort- by that combined variable to avoid making big changes to my example:
> **************!
> clear
> inp str12(Name Position) Salary Bonus ///
> Compensation str10(Company)
> John Manager 10 10 20 a
> Jack Manager 20 20 30 a
> Brian Director 10 10 40 c
> Amy Manager 20 20 30 d
> John Director 10 10 20 a
> Amy Director 20 30 20 d
> Amy Other 10 12 30 f
> end
> //added//
> replace Name = Name + " - " + Company
> **Position and Companies in one String:
> g i = _n
> bys Name: g j = _n
> qui su j
> loc max `r(max)'
> reshape wide Position, i(i) j(j)
> foreach p in Position {
> forval n = 1/`max' {
> gsort Name -`p'`n'
> by Name: carryforward `p'`n', replace
> }
> **
> egen `p'_all = concat(`p'*) , punct(" ")
> replace `p'_all = trim(`p'_all)
> drop `p'?
> **fix duplicates in _all vars:
> forval n = 1/`=_N' {
> loc j = `p'_all[`n']
> loc j: list uniq local(j)
> replace `p'_all = "`j'" in `n'
> }
> }
> **keep totals by Name:
> collapse (sum) Salary Bonus Compensation ///
> (first) Position_all Company, by(Name)
> //added//
> g len = length(Name)
> replace Name = substr(Name, 1, len-3)
> drop len
> **************!
> - Eric
On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Dmitriy Glumov <[email protected]> wrote:
> Eric,
> Thank you for your response, it was very helpful. From your example,
> how would I separate data for two different Amys (one from company d,
> the second one from company f) without aggregating it? In other words,
> what should I change in order for Stata to add up the numbers for two
> Amys from company d but keep Amy from f separate? Once again, thank
> you for the consideration and, if anyone can help solve this problem,
> it would be very much appreciated.
> Dmitri
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Eric Booth <[email protected]> wrote:
>> <>
>> I'd use -reshape- + -collapse-, not -merge-.
>> You'll need to get carryforward for this example (-findit carryforward-):
>> **************!
>> clear
>> inp str12(Name Position) Salary Bonus ///
>> Compensation str10(Company)
>> John Manager 10 10 20 a
>> Jack Manager 20 20 30 a
>> Brian Director 10 10 40 c
>> Amy Manager 20 20 30 d
>> John Director 10 10 20 a
>> Amy Director 20 30 20 d
>> Amy Other 10 12 30 f
>> end
>> **Position and Companies in one String:
>> g i = _n
>> bys Name: g j = _n
>> qui su j
>> loc max `r(max)'
>> reshape wide Position Company, i(i) j(j)
>> foreach p in Position Company {
>> forval n = 1/`max' {
>> gsort Name -`p'`n'
>> by Name: carryforward `p'`n', replace
>> }
>> **
>> egen `p'_all = concat(`p'*) , punct(" ")
>> replace `p'_all = trim(`p'_all)
>> drop `p'?
>> }
>> **keep totals by Name:
>> collapse (sum) Salary Bonus Compensation ///
>> (first) Position_all Company_all, by(Name)
>> **************!
>> - Eric
>> __
>> Eric A. Booth
>> Public Policy Research Institute
>> Texas A&M University
>> [email protected]
>> On Aug 12, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Dmitriy Glumov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have just started using Stata and have ran into a problem. I would
>>> like Stata to identify observations within a dataset that have the
>>> same name, and add their respective values. To give an example, the
>>> sample of the dataset looks something like this:
>>> Name Position Salary Bonus Compensation Company
>>> John Manager 10 10 20 a
>>> Jack Manager 20 20 30 a
>>> Brian Director 10 10 40 c
>>> Amy Manager 20 20 30 d
>>> John Director 10 10 20 a
>>> Amy Director 20 30 20 d
>>> And I want it to end up looking like this:
>>> Name Position Salary Bonus Compensation Company
>>> John Manager/Director 20 20 40 a
>>> Jack Manager 20 20 30 a
>>> Brian Director 10 10 40 c
>>> Amy Manager/Director 40 50 50 d
>>> In short, I would like Stata to identify same names and then add
>>> salary, bonus, and compensation together, while also keeping the
>>> company name and position. It is best if the company displays only one
>>> label during the merge ("a" instead of "aa" or "a-a", etc) but, as far
>>> as position, either merging or appending or just displaying either
>>> name would be fine (so ManagerDirector or just one of the names would
>>> also work), I just don't want it to create an error during the
>>> transformation process.
>>> Thank you for your consideration and any help with this would be
>>> greatly appreciated.
>>> Dmitri
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