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st: RE: Using a saved results in -ylabel-

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Using a saved results in -ylabel-
Date   Tue, 9 Aug 2011 17:23:04 +0100

-mmodes- is from SSC. Please remember to explain where user-written programs you refer to come from. 

r(N), left behind by -mmodes-, has a local macro persona which you can invoke:

foreach var  of varlist var* {
        mmodes `var'
        histogram `var', discrete freq xlabel(1(1)9) width(1) start(1) ///
	       xtitle("`var' ") ylabel(0(5)`r(N)')
        graph export `var'.png , replace

[email protected] 

MacLennan, Graeme

how do I use a saved value in the -ylabel- option of -histogram-?

I would like to plot a series of histograms, always with the y-axis stepping up 5s. (I have looked for fixed widths but could only find this for x-axis, I have missed something obvious then great, let me know).  The data are a series of Likert style items from 1 to 9. Clearly I can specify this from variable to variable, but I want to be able to automate .  The problem is that the mode changes from variable to variable so I want to do something like  -ylabel(0(5)maximum value) where "maximum value" is the frequency of the mode (and therefor the maximum value on the y-axis of the histogram). I had thought to use the -mmodes- package from ssc which returns the frequency of the mode in r(N) to something like:

foreach var  of varlist var* {
        mmodes `var'
        histogram `var', discrete freq xlabel(1(1)9) width(1) start(1) xtitle("`var' ") ylabel(0(5)r(N))
        graph export `var'.png , replace

However the error I get is " invalid label specifier, :  0(5)r(N): "  I have tried using a local macro, but that does not work for me either.

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