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Re: st: Predicting survival at some specific times
Steven Samuels <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Predicting survival at some specific times
Sat, 6 Aug 2011 23:22:20 -0400
On Aug 5, 2011, at 12:06 PM, [email protected] wrote:
> Hello,
> I would appreciate if someone could kindly let me know how to predict survival (probability) at some specific times for
> each subject after using streg and stcox commands. For instance, how can I predict 2-year survival after using streg
> (stcox) on a group patients with breast cancer?
Here is code inspired by Bobby Gutierrez's post at The -stcox- prediction assumes that you have observations at the time you want to predict for. To create and name predictions for several times, you'll need to use -foreach- loops.
*************CODE BEGINS*************
/* streg with prediction at t = 20 */
scalar tt = 20
sysuse cancer, clear
gen id =_n
streg age, dist(weibull)
gen t_old = _t
replace _t=tt
predict s1, surv
label var s1 "streg prediction"
replace _t = t_old
/* stcox, assumes an observation at t= 20! */
stcox age
predict xb, xb
predict s, basesurv
gen stt = s if t==tt
sum stt, meanonly
replace stt = r(mean)
gen s2 = stt^exp(xb)
label var s2 "stcox prediction"
sort age
di "Survival computed at t = " tt
list age id s1 s2
**************CODE ENDS**************
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