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Re: st: combining tables with -outreg-
John Luke Gallup <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: combining tables with -outreg-
Wed, 3 Aug 2011 15:16:19 -0700
Sorry to miss your earlier post.
In the new version of -outreg-, you _can_ create two tables that are each merged from 2 regressions and write them to the same document. The key is to avoid a -using- statement until you write each table to the document. This is because each -outreg using filename, replace- overwrites the existing Word file.
In simplest form, the code is like this:
. sysuse auto, clear
. regress mpg weight
. outreg
. regress mpg weight if foreign==0
. outreg using auto, merge replace // write first table to the file auto.doc
. regress mpg weight
. outreg
. regress mpg weight if foreign==1
. outreg using auto, merge addtable // add second table to the file auto.doc
I also simplified your -outreg- options a bit. -se- is a synonym for -stats(b se)-. -sdec(2,2)- is equivalent to -sdec(2)- (or to -bdec(2)- in this case with -se- since -bdec- applies to standard errors as well as coefficients). -bfmt(f)- removes the comma for thousands from the default -bfmt(fc)- , but the default number format is already fixed format. I think you want column titles of -ctitle("",All)- because -ctitle(All)- will place "All" above the variable names in the first table column, not above the regression coefficients. The same is true for -ctitle("",Domestic)- in the second -outreg- call.
Modifying your code below:
. sysuse auto, clear
. qui regress mpg weight
. qui outreg, nosubstat se nostar ctitle("",All) sdec(2) bfmt(f)
. qui regress mpg weight if foreign==0
. qui outreg using auto, nosubstat se nostar ctitle("",Domestic) sdec(2) bfmt(f) merge replace
. qui regress mpg weight
. qui outreg, nosubstat se nostar ctitle("",All) sdec(2) bfmt(f)
. qui regress mpg weight if foreign==1
. qui outreg using auto, nosubstat se nostar ctitle("",Foreign) sdec(2) bfmt(f) merge addtable
John Luke Gallup
Department of Economics
Portland State University
On Aug 3, 2011, at 6:41 AM, Ricardo Ovaldia wrote:
> I did not get a reply on my post, thus I assume that there is no way to do this other than to cut and paste.
> Ricardo Ovaldia, MS
> Statistician
> Oklahoma City, OK
> --- On Tue, 8/2/11, Ricardo Ovaldia <[email protected]> wrote:
>> From: Ricardo Ovaldia <[email protected]>
>> Subject: st: combining tables with -outreg-
>> To: [email protected]
>> Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 7:56 AM
>> I am using the new -outreg- to create
>> a report that is made up of three tables.
>> Each table is made by merging 3 tables using
>> -outreg,merge-.
>> I want to use the new -outreg, addtable- option to
>> combine these tables. Is there a way to do this?
>> Here is a simple example using the auto data:
>> . sysuse auto, clear
>> . qui regress mpg weight
>> . qui outreg using auto1, nosubstat stats(b se )
>> nostar ctitle(All) sdec(2,2) bfmt(f) replace
>> . qui regress mpg weight if foreign==0
>> . outreg using auto1, nosubstat stats(b se ) nostar
>> ctitle(Domestic) sdec(2,2) bfmt(f) replace merge
>> . qui regress mpg weight
>> . qui outreg using auto2, nosubstat stats(b se )
>> nostar ctitle(All) sdec(2,2) bfmt(f) replace
>> . qui regress mpg weight if foreign==1
>> . outreg using auto2, nosubstat stats(b se ) nostar
>> ctitle(Foreign) sdec(2,2) bfmt(f) replace merge
>> This code creates two separate tables by merging two other
>> tables. I would like both tables in one document.
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Ricardo
>> Ricardo Ovaldia, MS
>> Statistician
>> Oklahoma City, OK
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