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RE: st: Obtaining random intercept for each group from xtlogit or xtmelogit

From   Orian Brook <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Obtaining random intercept for each group from xtlogit or xtmelogit
Date   Wed, 20 Jul 2011 17:26:21 +0100

Brilliant, thank you

I was expecting the intercepts to be common across countries - however, some
have standard deviations (tiny, but still). Am I misunderstanding?

	Summary of random effects	for
(SAMPLE)	Mean   Std. Dev.	Freq.
BELGIUM	.08866321           .	1040
DENMARK	.85474342   1.179e-07	1008
GERMANY W	.44680032           .	1006
GERMANY E	.66576046           .	528
GREECE	-.70365345           .	1000
SPAIN	.0415894           .	1006
FINLAND	.69681209           .	1040
FRANCE	-.02973256           .	1031
IRELAND	.19429855   1.667e-08	1000
ITALY	-.05471432           .	1000
LUXEMBOUR	.94192523   9.375e-08	500
NETHERLAN	1.0726261           0	1000
AUSTRIA	.14302817           .	1011
PORTUGAL	-.53366905           .	1013
SWEDEN	1.2025346           .	1011
GREAT BRI	.64745915           .	1009
NORTHERN	.32294551           .	301
CYPRUS (R	-.52049023           .	500
CZECH REP	.73380858           .	1060
ESTONIA	.51977873           0	1001
HUNGARY	.11004449           .	1000
LATVIA	.6622172           .	1006
LITUANIA	.10387274   1.520e-08	1029
MALTA	.13686518           .	500
POLAND	-.42845824           .	1000
SLOVAKIA	.4025459           .	1094
SLOVENIA	.4127627           .	1015
BULGARIA	-.67533928           .	1009
ROMANIA	-.59633559   7.265e-08	1028
CROATIA	-6.7901573           0	1000
Total	-.02248435   1.4072492	27746

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Phil Clayton
Sent: 20 July 2011 14:57
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Obtaining random intercept for each group from xtlogit or

After xtmelogit try:
predict rintercept, reffects


On 20/07/2011, at 11:10 PM, Orian Brook wrote:

> Dear all
> I'm have data on a binary outcome which is organised as respondents 
> within countries. What I really want to know is the random intercept 
> for each country, but I can't see how to get it - could anyone point 
> me? (I was previously not using a multilevel approach and had a dummy 
> variable for each country, to get the country effect - but I realised 
> I really should try a multilevel approach).
> The syntax I'm using is
> xi:xtmelogit QA4_PERF VD8 i.D10 VD11 i.C14 i.QB3 i.D25 || COUNTRY:
> xi:xtlogit QA4_PERF VD8 i.D10 VD11 i.C14 i.QB3 i.D25, i(COUNTRY)
> They get the same log-likelihood results, though naturally xtmelogit 
> takes longer to run, I realise it has other options available.
> Thanks for any advice.
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