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st: Data format query

From   Susan Olivia <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Data format query
Date   Tue, 24 May 2011 14:08:32 +1000

Dear StataListers,

I have the data in following format [plese see below]. Ideally I would
like the data to display without the "__" and ".". I tried using the
'substr' command didn't really doing what I after. This variable is
currently in string format. Unfortunately, encode, recode or replace
didn't work either.

Any tips how to handle this much appreciated.



. tab b44

b44.Revenue |
    /Amount   |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
------------------ +-----------------------------------
160.000.000 |          1        0.03        1.84
_10.000.000 |          3        0.08        1.92
_10.100.000 |          1        0.03        1.94
_10.200.000 |          2        0.05        2.00
_10.210.000 |          1        0.03        2.02
_10.800.000 |          4        0.10        2.13
_11.000.000 |          4        0.10        2.23
_11.087.200 |          1        0.03        2.26
_11.844.000 |          1        0.03        2.28
_18.000.000 |          9        0.23        3.66
_19.456.800 |          1        0.03        3.68
_20.000.000 |          8        0.21        3.89
__7.500.000 |          3        0.08       17.35
__7.600.000 |          1        0.03       17.37
__7.820.000 |          1        0.03       17.40
__8.000.000 |          5        0.13       17.53
__8.300.000 |          1        0.03       17.55
__8.400.000 |          3        0.08       17.63
__9.000.000 |         10        0.26       17.89
__9.200.000 |          1        0.03       17.92
__9.600.000 |          6        0.16       18.07
__9.800.000 |          1        0.03       18.10
__9.850.000 |          1        0.03       18.12
___.100.000 |        102        2.64       20.77
___.100.750 |          1        0.03       20.79
___.100.800 |          1        0.03       20.82
___.102.000 |         22        0.57       21.39
___.102.500 |          2        0.05       21.44
___.103.000 |          1        0.03       21.47
___.103.760 |          1        0.03       21.49
___.104.400 |          2        0.05       21.55
___.104.500 |          1        0.03       21.57
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