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st: difference between rows

From   "Dougie Elder" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: difference between rows
Date   Fri, 20 May 2011 23:10:54 +0100

Apologies if this is quite basic, but I've searched everywhere and I cant
find the answer !

I have a pile of drug prescription data.

Each patient has several rows of prescriptions e.g.

Id       start_date    days  missed days
Pt1   10/12/08          21
Pt1  10/01/09          38
Pt1  14/03/09          36
Pt1  15/04/10          36
Pt2  02/05/09          90
Pt2  03/06/10          32

I need to calculate the no of days where no drug was available in each row
of data i.e calculate the difference between 10/12/08 and 10/01/09 and place
the result of ((10/01/09 - 10/12/08)-21 ) at the end of row 1

Obviously only for each pt


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