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st: simulation for generalized ordered logit models
Jun Xu <[email protected]>
Listserv STATA <[email protected]>
st: simulation for generalized ordered logit models
Wed, 18 May 2011 14:11:37 -0500
I am trying to study performance of some extensions of the order logit models (e.g., generalized ordered logit models and partial proportionality models. However, it appears the data generating process is a bit tricky. My problem is that I don't know (or I don't know if I did it right) how to turn latent y's into an observed ordered response variable. In addition, because of that, I think the gologit2 estimates seem to be off quite a bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jun Xu, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306
. // clear out memory and set seed
. clear all
. set more off
. set obs 50000
. set seed 15243
. // create four normally distributed x's
. gen double x1 = 1*invnorm(uniform()) - 2
. gen double x2 = 2*invnorm(uniform()) - 1
. gen double x3 = 3*invnorm(uniform()) + 1
. gen double x4 = 4*invnorm(uniform()) + 2
. // create probability to be transformed into logistically distributed variables below
. gen e1 = uniform()
. gen e2 = uniform()
. // create a latent variable for odds of y = 3 vs. y=2, 1
. gen ylat1 = -1 + 0.25*x1 - 0.7*x2 + 0.3*x3 + 1.2*x4 + log(e1/(1-e1))
. // create another latent variable for odds of y = 3, 2 vs. y = 1
. gen ylat2 = 2 + 0.25*x1 + 0.3*x2 + 0.2*x3 + 0.8*x4 + log(e2/(1-e2))
. sum ylat1 ylat2
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
ylat1 | 50000 1.895159 5.392776 -20.57706 24.00623
ylat2 | 50000 3.004502 3.786819 -14.42388 20.64439
. gen int yobs = 2
. replace yobs = 3 if ylat2 >0
(39384 real changes made)
. replace yobs = 1 if ylat1 <0
(18278 real changes made)
. // denote cases with ylat > 0 & ylat1 <0 to be deleted afterward
. // because of the contradiction in recoding; that is, should they be coded
. // as 3 or 1
. gen ctrd = (ylat2 > 0 & ylat1 <0)
| ctrd
yobs | 0 1 | Total
1 | 8,627 9,651 | 18,278
2 | 1,989 0 | 1,989
3 | 29,733 0 | 29,733
Total | 40,349 9,651 | 50,000
. drop if ctrd == 1
(9651 observations deleted)
. tab yobs, m
yobs | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 8,627 21.38 21.38
2 | 1,989 4.93 26.31
3 | 29,733 73.69 100.00
Total | 40,349 100.00
. gologit2 yobs x1 x2 x3 x4,
Generalized Ordered Logit Estimates Number of obs = 40349
LR chi2(8) = 39104.00
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -8821.1251 Pseudo R2 = 0.6891
yobs | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
1 |
x1 | .3643754 .0223432 16.31 0.000 .3205835 .4081673
x2 | -.3713747 .0131601 -28.22 0.000 -.3971681 -.3455813
x3 | .3775103 .0093891 40.21 0.000 .359108 .3959126
x4 | 1.457066 .0166926 87.29 0.000 1.424349 1.489783
_cons | 1.191765 .0569216 20.94 0.000 1.080201 1.303329
2 |
x1 | .3453517 .0215363 16.04 0.000 .3031413 .3875621
x2 | -.0367582 .0118087 -3.11 0.002 -.0599027 -.0136136
x3 | .3121494 .0082156 37.99 0.000 .296047 .3282517
x4 | 1.255422 .014501 86.58 0.000 1.227001 1.283844
_cons | .4242695 .0532812 7.96 0.000 .3198402 .5286988
WARNING! 2363 in-sample cases have an outcome with a predicted probability that is
less than 0. See the gologit2 help section on Warning Messages for more information.
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