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Re: st: Strange -xi- behavior when naming new variables
Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Strange -xi- behavior when naming new variables
Wed, 18 May 2011 11:07:08 -0400
Thank you for the suggestion. I will be more careful with my loops from now on.
Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 4:09 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> If you want to map the string in macro `J' (e.g. "05") to a decimal
> (e.g. .05) then you just do it by references to
> .`J'
> That way Stata sees .05 -- which is what you want.
> Nick
> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 7:44 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Whatever happened, my guess is that it is more likely to be a
>> side-effect of trying to do exact arithmetic with multiples of .05,
>> which will not work on a binary machine.
>> See, most recently,
>> <>
>> and beyond that
>> SJ-10-1 pr0051 . . . . . . . . . . . . Stata tip 85: Looping over nonintegers
>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
>> Q1/10 SJ 10(1):160--163 (no commands)
>> tip on using forvalues to loop over numbers
>> Try loops over 5(5)95 or 80(5)95. To format leading zeros
>> forval j = 5(5)95 {
>> local J : di %02.0f `j'
>> <work with `J'>
>> }
>> Nick
>> 2011/5/18 Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez <[email protected]>:
>>> I have been getting strange results using -xi- in conjuction with -qreg-
>>> I ran the following code to get some quantile regression estimates:
>>> glo cont "personas_hogar edad edadsq"
>>> glo cat "trabajo_permanente ocupacion actividad_empresa
>>> tipo_trabajador sexo ultimo_grado_estudios"
>>> glo ccat ""
>>> foreach x in $cat {
>>> glo ccat "$ccat i.`x'"
>>> }
>>> forv x=0.05(0.05)0.9501 {
>>> xi: qreg lsalario_real_mes treatment i.area2 i.trimestre $cont $ccat
>>> [fw=fex], nolog quantile(`x')
>>> est save "cqte_c_fex_nob_`x'.ster", replace
>>> }
>>> The regression for quantile 0.75 did not converge and the loop ended
>>> with a break, so I skipped that quantile, and reran the last loop
>>> starting at the 0.8 quantile, i.e.
>>> forv x=0.8(0.05)0.9501 { ....
>>> At this point, -xi- changed the convention for naming the variables.
>>> Since I saved the estimates, I got the command that was issued
>>> everytime by typing:
>>> glo a: dir . files "cqte_c_fex_nob_*"
>>> foreach x in $a {
>>> est use `x'
>>> di "`x' ***********************************"
>>> di ""
>>> di e(cmdline)
>>> di ""
>>> }
>>> And got:
>>> cqte_c_fex_nob_.7000000000000001.ster ***********************************
>>> qreg lsalario_real_mes treatment _Iarea2_* _Itrimestre_*
>>> personas_hogar edad edadsq _Itrabajo_p_* _Iocupacion_* _
>>>> Iactividad_* _Itipo_trab_* _Isexo_* _Iultimo_gr_* [fw=fex], nolog quantile(.7000000000000001)
>>> cqte_c_fex_nob_.8.ster ***********************************
>>> qreg lsalario_real_mes treatment _Iarea2_* _Itrimestre_*
>>> personas_hogar edad edadsq _Itrabajo_p_* _Iocupaciona* _
>>>> Iactividad_* _Itipo_trab_* _Isexo_* _Iultimo_gr_* [fw=fex], nolog quantile(.8)
>>> Notice the difference between the two commands: _Iocupacion_* and
>>> _Iocupaciona*_ !!!!
>>> Is this something related to some variables left behind by -xi- when
>>> the break occurred? Could this be a bug?
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