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Re: st: creating variable summarizing for each individual properties of other members of a group at t-1
Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: creating variable summarizing for each individual properties of other members of a group at t-1
Wed, 18 May 2011 01:08:18 -0400
Of course I did not check the follow ups before posting this. I just
saw Nick Cox's solution, which is quite simpler. You could use his
approach to get the "other variable" you want by summing a (entry>0)
Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez
2011/5/18 Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez <[email protected]>:
> A rather complicated solution, but seems to work
> bys ind_id (yearmonth): gen entry=sum(ind_entry)
> levelsof ind_id, local(lev)
> reshape wide ind_entry entry, i(yearmonth) j(ind_id)
> foreach x in `lev' {
> gen entryo`x'=(entry`x'>0)
> }
> foreach x in `lev' {
> unab vars: ind_entry*
> local vars: subinstr local vars "ind_entry`x'" ""
> egen fscore`x'=rowtotal(`vars')
> unab vars2: entryo*
> local vars2: subinstr local vars2 "entryo`x'" ""
> egen fother_var`x'=rowtotal(`vars2')
> }
> drop entryo*
> reshape long ind_entry entry fscore fother_var, i(yearmonth) j(ind_id)
> xtset ind_id yearmonth
> gen score=l.fscore
> gen other_var=l.fother_var
> replace other_var=0 if other_var==.
> bys ind_id (yearmonth) : replace score=sum(score)
> drop fscore fother_var
> list
> _______________________
> Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez
> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 10:09 AM, Erik Aadland <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Dear statalist.
>> I need to create a variable that sums for each individual in my dataset the total number of ind_entry of all other individuals at time: yearmonth - 1.
>> I have attached a small ex of my data structure below. So for instance, given the small dataset below, for ind_id 2 in yearmonth 11 this variable score = 1. But for ind_id 4 in the same yearmonth, the score = 0.
>> I would also like to generate a variable that identifies for each individual the unique number of other individuals in the dataset that have experienced ind_entry = 1 at least once up until time: yearmonth - 1.
>> I am familiar with the following FAQ:
>> My data structure is snapshot data in principle like the example below, but some individuals enter the observation window later than others (i.e. in later yearmonths):
>> year month yearmonth ind_id ind_entry
>> 2003 10 10 2 0
>> 2003 11 11 2 0
>> 2003 12 12 2 0
>> 2004 1 13 2 0
>> 2004 2 14 2 1
>> 2004 3 15 2 0
>> 2003 10 10 4 1
>> 2003 11 11 4 0
>> 2003 12 12 4 1
>> 2004 1 13 4 0
>> 2004 2 14 4 0
>> 2004 3 15 4 0
>> Any and all input is very welcome.
>> Kind regards and all the best.
>> Erik Aadland.
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