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st: Labelling output in 12 month rolling loops

From   "Coetsee.Jane" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Labelling output in 12 month rolling loops
Date   Wed, 11 May 2011 09:57:38 -0400


I am running 12 month rolling totals on the dummie variables
representing outliers for a model.  The variable "yearmonth" is a
numeric stata date type variable and "date" is a string variable that I
want to use as  labels for the output.   The problem with my 12 month
rolling code is that it produces a file with the totals I want but
without dates stating to which year end the total corresponds.  I am
trying to do this using the "label" command.  When I run the code below
I get the error message "1 invalid name"

local T in date
eststo clear
qui foreach i of num 1/24 {
                 label define lbl `i' "'T'", modify
                 label val `i' lbl
                 eststo:total Outlier if yearmonth>= 576+`i' &
yearmonth<588+`i' & Outlier_R_NotFHA==1 
                 esttab using, replace

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