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st: using value of one variable to read value of specific other variable out of a list of variables

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: using value of one variable to read value of specific other variable out of a list of variables
Date   Mon, 09 May 2011 19:30:05 +0200

Dear everyone,

I am sure there is some obvious solution that I am not seeing, but I couldn't figure it out: I want to create a variable (z) that contains the value from one variable out of a list of variables (say x1 - x3) depending on the valuable of another variable (y). The list of variables is a) named in a way that the value of y could be used to refer to the correct name of the variable and b) ordered so that the value of y could also be used a locational reference (as the offset command does in Excel). I don't think b) could work in STATA, but I couldn't find a solution for a) either. See below an example. Therein, z in the first row is supposed to be 1 and in the second row 5 (if y = 2, z is supposed to have the value of x2).

x1    x2    x3    y
1    2    3    1
0    5    4    2

Here is the closest I came towards a solution:
local a = y
gen z = x`a'

This command, however, only does half the job as the value of the local a is not being rest for every row. I would be very happy for any advice.

Many thanks in advance!

Dr. Arne Robert Weiß
University of Erfurt Nordhäuser Str. 63, D-99089 Erfurt Tel: +49 361 737 4522
Fax: +49 361 737 4569
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