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Re: st: continue loop if file not found

From   daniel klein <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: continue loop if file not found
Date   Sat, 7 May 2011 11:34:06 +0200

If there is still the same problem, and I assume there is, although
this is not entirely clear from your post, get rid of the -break-
option. The -break- option causes Stata to break out of the loop,
while -continue- without -break- continues with the next element in a
loop. It does not continue with the next lines.

See this example (from the help file).

       forvalues x = 1/10 {
                if mod(`x',2) {
                        display "`x' is odd"
                display "`x' is even"

will loop 10 times. It will display numers 1 to 10 and inform you if
they are odd or even. I guess this is what you are looking for.

Compare the above loop with a modified version:

       forvalues x = 1/10 {
                if mod(`x',2) {
                        display "`x' is odd"
                        continue ,break
                display "`x' is even"

This will not loop. Since 1 is an odd number, the loop will display "1
is odd", then exit.

In your case, the do-file exits the first time a file is not found.

also see -help continue-

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