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st:kdensity (1) at percentile level (2) select bandwidth to compare across two groups

From   Amanda Fu <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st:kdensity (1) at percentile level (2) select bandwidth to compare across two groups
Date   Fri, 6 May 2011 12:28:08 -0400

Hi all,

I wonder if someone could help me with two questions related to -kdensity-.

(1) I want to use  -kdensity- to estimate a variable 's kernel density
at percentile level. If I use
pctile x_pcile=x, n(100)
kdensity y, at(x_pctile) g (a1 a2)

I find the variable x_pctile (as well as a1 and a2 ) only has 99 cases
with values for percentiles. But the left observations all have
missing values.
Do I need to create a variable that indicate the percentile value for
each observation so that each case has a nonmissing value? Is it OK
just use x_pctile as above?

(2) I want to compare the kernel density curves of a variable for two
groups. So I need to select a same bandwidth for the estimation for
the two groups instead of using the optimal default option. But how
should I choose the bandwidth?

Thank you!

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