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Re: st: compare panel line plots
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: compare panel line plots
Thu, 5 May 2011 20:06:27 +0100
Have you tried
line Y time || line Yhat time
On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 7:46 PM, May Ster <[email protected]> wrote:
> I'm using -xtline- to compare panel data line plots of the predicted
> value -Yhat- and the actual data ; let's called it -Y-
> FYI, the actual value -Y- contains missing data.
> After regression, i use -predict Yhat-
> Then, i use -xtline Yhat-
> The graph of -Yhat- looks fine having all the value estimated.
> However, when i use -xtline Yhat Y- as i would like to compare the
> predicted -Yhat- and the actual -Y- , two graphs given only compare
> line plots in the area where -Y- contains value(meaning the areas
> there is missing -Y-, the two graphs have gone missing too).
> Could anyone instruct how to get the line plot for -Yhat- in the area
> where there is missing data (as it was evident when using the command
> -xtline Yhat- ?
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