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[no subject]

If I've guessed wrong about what data you actually have and what results you
want, the process I've described above won't work.  However, you can see the
way I tried to map out the steps from what you have to what you're
generating.  I think if before you start writing your code you map out
exactly what you have and what you need, it'll be easier to see how to get
from point A to point B.


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Tinne Steffensen
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 7:04 AM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: Re: st: cross grouping a family w siblings and stepsiblings

Thank you for the link. The problem is I don't have any family id - as have
all the examples in the link. The reason is, that I'm both interested in
stepsiblings on the mother's and father's side, which makes it impossible to
make distinct families. (Some children will be part of two families).

Instead I will try to go back to the datasets prior to merging; It looks
like this, where group_m is (by m_id, sort: gen group_m = _n).

m_Id    child_id    gender    group_m                                 
birth        handicap

1               24            2                    1                 
01jan07         1
1               12            2                    2           
      02feb08         0
2               47            1                    1     
            10jun02         0
3               10            2                    1         
        02apr00         0
4                8            2                    1               
  18dec09         1
4               18            1                    2            
     11nov02         1
4               56            1                    3         
        18may99         0
5               82            1                    1    
             23jun08         0
6               12            2                    1            
     30jul01         0

I want it to come out like below.

  m_Id    child_id1  child_id2    child_id3   birth1      birth2       

1             24        12            .        01jan07    02feb08         .
2             47         .            .        10jun02          .         .
3             10         .            .        02apr00          .         .
4              8        18           56        18dec09    11nov02  
5             82         .            .        23jun08          .         .
6             12         .            .        30jul01          .         .

I tried reshaping: 
reshape wide child_id, i(m_id) j(gr_m)

But it comes up with this error-message: 
(note: j = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20) Birth not
constant within m_id
In the real dataset there are up to 20 children to each mother.

Thank you for your time. Tinne

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