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st: RE: tabstat upside down

From   Eric Booth <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: tabstat upside down
Date   Tue, 26 Apr 2011 21:07:48 +0000

I'm not sure I completely follow, but for a dataset that looks something like:
*********************begin example
set obs 1000
g acuteall = rbinomial(1, .4)
forval n = 1/30 {
	g e`n' = rbinomial(1, .4)
sa "test.dta", replace
you say you want a" summary comparing the mean acuteall for each category of each of e1 thru e30..."
yet, e1-e30 are not categories.  I interpret this to mean you want the mean of acuteall when e1 ==1 and 
then e2==1 and so on, like:
su acuteall if e1==1
di "`r(mean)'"  //notice this equals the first obs in the collapsed data below

**but for all you could collapse like:
g id = _n
reshape long e, i(id) j(ee )
keep if e==1
collapse (mean) acuteall,  by(ee)
**to get the mean of acute all where e* == 1
**now, you can list, outsheet, texsave etc this dataset as a table

****** maybe you want something more like tabout(from SSC) has to offer(?):
u test.dta, clear
tabout e* using "test.txt", sum oneway ///
	replace c(mean acuteall) 
type "test.txt"

tabout e* acuteall using "test2.txt", ///
	replace c(col) f(1p)
type "test2.txt"
********************end example

- Eric
From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of Richard Goldstein [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 3:26 PM
To: statalist
Subject: st: tabstat upside down


I have 30 binary variables (e1-e30) and I have another yes/no (0/1)
variable called acuteall; I want to supply my client with an easy to
follow summary comparing the mean acuteall for each category of each of
e1 thru e30; -tabstat-, however, supplies me with the mean of each of e1
thru e30 for each category of acuteall (command: -tabstat e1-e30,

in other words, in the following table, I want to see .122 v. .184 and
what I get instead is .04 v. .0634; suggestions more than welcome (I
could not see how to do this with -collapse- either, but maybe someone
else can)

. ta e1 acuteall, ro co nofreq

| Key               |
|  row percentage   |
| column percentage |

           |  discharge to acute
congestive | (no includes everyone
     heart |        else)?
   failure |         N          Y |     Total
         N |     87.80      12.20 |    100.00
           |     96.00      93.66 |     95.71
         Y |     81.60      18.40 |    100.00
           |      4.00       6.34 |      4.29
     Total |     87.53      12.47 |    100.00
           |    100.00     100.00 |    100.00

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