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Re: st: insheet problem (Stata 10.1)
scott hankins <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: insheet problem (Stata 10.1)
Thu, 31 Mar 2011 11:00:47 -0400
Alan, thanks for mentioning -filefilter- I was wondering how I could
avoid Excel or a text editor.
The following worked perfectly for me to replace the double quotes with a space.
- filefilter licensee_profile.txt , from(\Q) to(032d) replace
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Alan Neustadtl
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I had a similar issue and found the -filefilter command (help
> filefilter) helpful to work solely within Stata to prepare a file for
> input.
> Best,
> Alan
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 12:47 PM, scott hankins <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Thank you Robert and Nick. I will file this away for the next time I
>> run across an issue like this.
>> scott
>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> It's not what you want, but it's the rule in Stata.
>>> Double quotes " " bind more strongly than separators separate.
>>> As Robert says, zap the ".
>>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Robert Picard <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> I think the problem is that a number of records include double quotes,
>>>> some with a single double quote (see line 30926 => | DR ANDREW ALPERT,
>>>> DMD "PERIODO| ). If I do a global replace of all double quotes with
>>>> nothing, then -insheet- reads the file correctly. I'm guessing that
>>>> what happens here is that -insheet- sees the unmatched double quote
>>>> and starts eating lines until it finds the next double quote. Not the
>>>> expected behavior so I think you should forward the problem to Stata
>>>> technical support.
>>>> Robert
>>>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 8:13 AM, scott hankins <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone
>>>>> I have an "issue" with insheet using Stata 10.1 that I hope someone
>>>>> can help me to diagnose.
>>>>> I have downloaded the file at this location
>>>>> (, it is a
>>>>> pipe ("|") delimited file.
>>>>> When I type
>>>>> - insheet using "licensee_profile.txt", delimiter("|") Stata tells me
>>>>> I have (42 vars, 97543 obs)
>>>>> the last variable (v42) is "empty"
>>>>> When I type
>>>>> - infix str var 1-1000 using "licensee_profile.txt" Stata tells me I
>>>>> have (145353 observations read) with the first observation being the
>>>>> variable names.
>>>>> If I open the file in a text editor (jedit), there are 145353 rows, so
>>>>> that matches infix results. I can open the file in Excel and re-save
>>>>> as a tab delimited file and then use -insheet without any problems
>>>>> (i.e. there are 145352 observations and 41 vars). Doing things this
>>>>> way "solves" my problem, but I would like to know what is giving Stata
>>>>> problems so I can deal with this in the future. How would I even go
>>>>> about diagnosing the problem?
>>>>> thank you
>>>>> Scott Hankins
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