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st: how to convert regression coefficients into variables

From   "Steve Martin" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: how to convert regression coefficients into variables
Date   Tue, 29 Mar 2011 19:26:34 +0100

I am using -cnsreg- to estimate a constrained regression model in Stata 11.

I am interested in how the coefficient (call this b2) on one particular
regressor changes as I change the constraints (call the values of these b3
and b4) on two of the other regressors.  

At the moment the results for each regression are written to a spreadsheet.

However, it would be useful if I could save the values of b2, b3 and b4 from
each regression (eg by writing to a file) with a view to plotting b2, b3 and
b4 from the 30 or so regressions I estimate.
Is this possible?



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