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st: -esttab- producing no results after -estpost tabsat (with if and by options)-

From   William Buchanan <[email protected]>
To   STATA Listserv <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -esttab- producing no results after -estpost tabsat (with if and by options)-
Date   Tue, 29 Mar 2011 10:51:33 -0400

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone has run into a similar issue when trying to create
and export summary statistics tables using -estpost- and -esttab-.  I'm
using Stata 11MP on a Mac with OS 10.5.8. I've replicated my problem below
with the auto.dta dataset:

use auto.dta 
. estpost tabstat weight if mpg>=17 & mpg<=30, by(mpg) s(co mean sd)

Summary statistics: count mean sd
     for variables: weight
  by categories of: mpg

         mpg |  e(count)    e(mean)      e(sd)
          17 |         4     3272.5   378.9789
          18 |         9   3323.333   468.7483
          19 |         8       3330   90.39595
          20 |         3       3120   251.5949
          21 |         5       3176   945.3465
          22 |         5       2910   296.3106
          23 |         3       2200    153.948
          24 |         4     2612.5   223.0658
          25 |         5       2202   283.3196
          26 |         3   2193.333   346.4583
          28 |         3   2273.333   854.7124
          29 |         1       2110          .
          30 |         2       2050   98.99495
       Total |        55   2856.364   632.1344

. esttab using auto.rtf, ti("Mean Weight by MPG") cells("Frequency Mean SD")
nomtitle nonumber replace
(output written to auto.rtf)

When I open "auto.rtf" I see the title and column names, but nothing else.
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?


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