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Re: st: interpreting coefficients in growth equation

From   D-Ta <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: interpreting coefficients in growth equation
Date   Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:44:14 +0200

b1 = -0.33, i.e. A higher initial level of BMI should lead to lower growth rates, isnt it?

Am 26.03.2011 20:07, schrieb Charles Koss:
on average, an additional year changes BMI_growth by 0.11, b2 might be
an elasticity  (1% change in logincome causes 0.14% in BMI_growth ).
b1,  a unit change from the average present level of BMI  changes the
BMI_growth by 0.33; in other words, increases the growth of BMI. So, i
think you may have divergence rather than convergence.

Does it make sense? otherwise, provide more details about the dataset.

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