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Re: st: getting part of strings
Daniel Marcelino <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: getting part of strings
Sat, 26 Mar 2011 17:50:40 -0300
Thanks for helping, I'll work on the code for required output. I
thought Eric Booth's example pretty insightful for my needs. My data
is not delimited by dash "-", rather it is by ";". However, the
original source has a variable with many things nested, so, I want to
split those names, parties, offices and numbers ids into different
On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Eric Booth <[email protected]> wrote:
> <>
> Daniel:
> I missed the part in your post where you want to capture PB and PP as well.
> You could grab these from the var1? that contains this information from my previous example, or another approach entirely is to use the string functions (see -help string_functions-) subinstr() or strpos() to generate indicators if var1 contains the substrings of interest -- this allows you to skip the -split- or regex* approaches completely if this is what you need from var1:
> ***********************!
> clear
> inp str200 var1
> "155 - VITAL DO REGO FILHO - PB - Senador"
> "1111 - - PP - - Deputado Federal / 25888 - ATAIDES MENDES PEDROSA -PB - Deputado Estadual"
> "1111 - - PP - - Deputado Federal / 22333 - EDNALDO PEREIRA DESANTANA - PB - Deputado Estadual"
> "151 - JOSE WILSON SANTIAGO - PB - Senador"
> "45123 - ANTONIO HERVAZIO BEZERRA CAVALCANTI - PB - Deputado Estadual"
> "1212 - DAMIÃO FELICIANO DA SILVA - PB - Deputado Federal"
> end
> g DF = 1 if strpos(var1, "Deputado Federal")
> g DE = 1 if strpos(var1, "Deputado Estadual")
> g S = 1 if strpos(var1, "Senador")
> g PP = 1 if strpos(var1, "PP")
> g PB = 1 if strpos(var1, "PB")
> order D* P* S
> ***********************!
> - Eric
> __
> Eric A. Booth
> Public Policy Research Institute
> Texas A&M University
> [email protected]
> Office: +979.845.6754
> On Mar 26, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Eric Booth wrote:
>> ***********************!
>> clear
>> inp str200 var1
>> "155 - VITAL DO REGO FILHO - PB - Senador"
>> "1111 - - PP - - Deputado Federal / 25888 - ATAIDES MENDES PEDROSA -PB - Deputado Estadual"
>> "1111 - - PP - - Deputado Federal / 22333 - EDNALDO PEREIRA DESANTANA - PB - Deputado Estadual"
>> "151 - JOSE WILSON SANTIAGO - PB - Senador"
>> "45123 - ANTONIO HERVAZIO BEZERRA CAVALCANTI - PB - Deputado Estadual"
>> "1212 - DAMIÃO FELICIANO DA SILVA - PB - Deputado Federal"
>> end
>> **using split**
>> replace var1 = subinstr(var1, " / ", " - ", .)
>> split var1, p("-")
>> **trim spaces in new vars**
>> ds var1?
>> foreach v in `r(varlist)' {
>> replace `v' = trim(`v')
>> }
>> **it looks like the substr you want are in vars14, var15, var19:
>> l var14 var15 var19
>> **grab the title or subtitle or gen an indicator if they are present**
>> g str50 title = var14 if !mi(var14)
>> replace title = var15 if mi(title) & !mi(var15)
>> g str50 title2 = var19 if !mi(var19)
>> l var1 title title2
>> **or
>> g titleind = 1 if !mi(var14) | !mi(var15)
>> g title2ind = 1 if !mi(var19)
>> order *ind
>> ***********************!
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