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st: Plot

From   Max Fotbollen <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Plot
Date   Sat, 26 Mar 2011 10:03:11 +0100

Thanks Oliver JOnes, for respondig,
I do not get the replay on mail to my mailbox. I will explain my problem via an example,
I try to do data analysis of some stationary data series. I choose from the menu Graphics/twowaygraph. Then I get the dialog box where I can choose Create to define some graph. What happens here is that a plot is created; Plot1. Next I create Plot2 and so on. In each of these plots one series is defined. I can Enable a combination of these plots (and Diable the rest) to get my graph. To make my job easer when I have many plots, I would lilke to assign some name to these plots (instead of having Plot1, Plot2 etc).
Thanks again,
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