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Re: st: date("01jan1960", "DMY") does not seem to work with -if- qualifier of the command -tablist-

From   "Michael N. Mitchell" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: date("01jan1960", "DMY") does not seem to work with -if- qualifier of the command -tablist-
Date   Mon, 21 Mar 2011 18:47:14 -0700

Dear Jeremy

This is a most curious issue! Eric provides an excellent solution, but I was still flummoxed why the behavior of the -if- condition should be different for my -tablist- command as compared to a command like -tabulate-. So, I investigated.

The heart of -tablist- is the -contract- command. The -if- specification is passed from -tablist- to -contract-, and then within the -contract- command it is being implemented via the -marksample- command. So I tested the -marksample- command using your if condition.

. clear
. use
. gen statadate = date(bday, "DMY")
. format statadate %td
. local if statadate > date("01Jan1960", "DMY")
. marksample touse, strok novarlist
. list

     | name          bday    x   statadate   __000004 |
  1. | Bill   21 Jan 1952   22   21jan1952          0 |
  2. |  May   11 Jul 1948   18   11jul1948          0 |
  3. |  Sam   12 Nov 1960   25   12nov1960          1 |
  4. |  Kay    9 Aug 1975   16   09aug1975          1 |

The temporary variable __000004 properly indicates that Sam and Kay were born after 1/1/1960. But, if you look inside the source code of the -contract- command using -viewsource contract.ado-, you can see that it is running under version control, using -version 6.0-. So, let's try this again, but running the -marksample- command under version control.

. version 6.0, missing : marksample touse, strok novarlist
. list

     | name          bday    x   statadate   __000004   __000005 |
  1. | Bill   21 Jan 1952   22   21jan1952          0          0 |
  2. |  May   11 Jul 1948   18   11jul1948          0          0 |
  3. |  Sam   12 Nov 1960   25   12nov1960          1          0 |
  4. |  Kay    9 Aug 1975   16   09aug1975          1          0 |

The new variable created, -__000005-, believes that none of these children were born after 1/1/1960.

Unfortunately, we cannot trace this any deeper because the -marksample- command is a built in command.

I think if the -marksample- command (within the -contract- command) were issued using version control to bring it to the current version, then I believe that the behavior of -contract- with the kind of -if- condition you used would then be consistent across commands.

Best regards,

Michael N. Mitchell
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On 2011-03-21 5:22 PM, Jeremy Page wrote:
I am a frequent user of the user generated command -tablist- and I
have run into a behavior that I can not explain.  I am trying to use
Stata's -date- command with the -if- qualifier to restrict
observations from displaying in -tablist-.  When I attempt to do this
there appears to be a problem.  I am able to use the -date- command to
restrict observations with -tabulate- and I am able to restrict
observations in -tablist- with a local variable being defined by the
-date- command but not with -tablist-.  It is my understanding that
the -if- qualifiers across all programs should act the same.  Am I
missing something?  I have included an example below using a Stata
supplied data set.

I am using version 1.2 of -tablist- which can be found at -findit
tablist- and my version of Stata is 10.1 on a Windows XP machine.

Thank you for your help.


**********begin example***************

gen statadate = date(bday, "DMY")

format statadate %td

list statadate

display date("01Jan1960", "DMY")

***it works with tabulate
tab bday name if statadate>  date("01Jan1960", "DMY")

***it works with a local variable
local dte = date("01Jan1960", "DMY")
tablist bday name if statadate>  `dte'

***it does not work with tablist
tablist bday name if statadate>  date("01Jan1960", "DMY")

************end example***************

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