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st: Is version 12 coming soon?

From   Duha Altindag <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Is version 12 coming soon?
Date   Thu, 17 Mar 2011 14:57:20 -0500

I am trying to estimate the release date of the 12th version of Stata.

I'm in the process of ordering Stata which I will using starting July 2011.

Specifically, I have two options:
1-) order 11th version now and upgrade it when 12th comes out. - Cost
of this is the upgrade cost from 11 to 12.
2-) wait until 12th comes out and then order version 12. - cost of
this is =  Prob(12th version does not come out until July) * Cost of
not being able to use Stata until it comes out.

Unfortunately I have to decide these days.

Basically, I'm trying to learn what people think about  Prob(12th
version does not come out until July), so I can form my expectation.
I know a new version of Stata comes out every 2 years + epsilon
months. Can epsilon be zero so Stata 12 will come out in July 2011?

Thanks in advance,


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