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RE: st:histogram for weighted data

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st:histogram for weighted data
Date   Thu, 17 Mar 2011 18:41:50 +0000

There was a question on histograms with pweights just two days ago.

Please follow the thread, and its references; also check the archives first! 

[email protected] 

Amanda Fu

My data set is constructed from a sample. Therefore, each observation
is assigned a probability weight to be representative of the
population. There are no cluster or sample unit. I would like to make
a histogram for some variables, but histogram just allows frequency

In my opinion, when making histogram to describe the distribution of a
variable in a weighted data set, it is appropriate to use the
"sampling weight" as "frequency weight". Even if the -hist- command
allows to use sampling weight, the graph should be the same as that
used frequency weight.

I would appreciate it if anyone could correct me if my opinion is

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