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st: odbc insert issues

From   Steve Cicala <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: odbc insert issues
Date   Wed, 16 Mar 2011 12:12:11 -0400

Hi All--I am trying to export a few variables from a stata dataset to
.dbf via odbc insert, but am having trouble.

First, querying and loading .dbf's does not appear to be a problem:

. odbc query "frs"

DataSource: frs
Path      : C:\ARCGIS\EPA\FRS

. odbc desc "test"

DataSource: frs (query)
Table:      test (load)
Variable Name                               Variable Type
VARNAME                                     Numeric

. odbc load, table("test")

. list

     | VARNAME |
  1. |       1 |
  2. |       2 |
  3. |       3 |

I run into problems when I try to use the insert command. For example,
with this dataset loaded, I try to save a copy as new.dbf:

. odbc insert VARNAME, table("new") dsn("frs") create noquote

The ODBC driver reported the following diagnostics
[Microsoft][ODBC dBASE Driver] Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement.

I get the same error when I've started with a stata file and try to
export a set of variables to a fresh database. I've searched for info
on the error codes, but it hasn't been informative. What am I missing


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