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st: looping over files -- speed and Stata/MP

From   Dimitri Szerman <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: looping over files -- speed and Stata/MP
Date   Wed, 16 Mar 2011 14:48:11 +0000


In constructing a data set, I have to loop over hundreds of thousands
of files. Simply put, this is what I do:

! dir "mydir" /a-d /b > filelist.txt         // list of files to be imported
file open LIST using "filelist.txt", read
file read LIST line
while r(eof)==0 {

     (a bunch of Stata commands)

save mydir2\\`line', replace
file read LIST line
file close LIST

(In fact, I run a loop like this twice (first to import csv into dta;
another to work (clean) the dta files). As it stands now, my code
takes around 12 hours to run. My question is: will Stata/MP make it
run faster? (For those familiar with Matlab, I guess this boils down
to: does Stata/MP have something along the lines of "parfor", i.e., a
"parallel-for" command?) More broadly, can anyone think of a way of
speeding this up?

Many thanks,
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