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Re: st: xtmixed- testing difference between intercepts and slopes
"Mary E. Mackesy-Amiti" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: xtmixed- testing difference between intercepts and slopes
Tue, 15 Mar 2011 11:40:04 -0500
On 3/14/2011 10:55 AM, Bernadette Puckett wrote:
Dear Stata List,
I am currently conducting a multilevel longitudinal model with time
point clustered in student and student nested within high school to
examine the association between high school quality and achievement. I
have 3 categorical levels of school quality that I am interacting with
4 time points in order to test whether the slope significantly differs
across time point and quality level. I have a host of child-level and
school-level controls.
How do test whether there is a significant intercept difference
between quality levels at Time 2? Or at Time 3? Are my coefficients
displaying differences in slope or intercept? If intercept, then how
do I test for significant differences between slope of quality at
quality level 2* time 2, and quality level 3*time2.
It sounds like you don't understand the model you are fitting. The
output below shows the fixed part of the mixed model; the regression
coefficients are interpreted in the same way as an ordinary regression.
The random effects are reported as variances following the fixed effects.
To test specific effects within the interaction use the -test- and/or
-lincom- postestimation commands. Also use -margins- to obtain marginal
predicted values; this is quite useful for understanding interactions.
Here is my code:
xtmixed achievement time quality##time vector.of.controls || school:,
variance cov(un) || child_id: time, variance cov(un) mle.
And example output:
achieve Coef. Std. Err. z P>z
2 -1.41589 1.628779 -1.48 0.138
3 -2.989446 1.683687 -1.18 0.237
1 15.55104 24.33336 1.05 0.294
2 23.36034 24.53234 1.77 0.077
3 56.20899 24.9002 3.06 0.002
2 1 2.991244 .986465 4.05 0.000
2 2 1.5299 1.094144 1.76 0.078
2 3 1.441748 1.256821 1.15 0.251
3 1 2.798601 1.064483 3.76 0.000
3 2 1.127278 1.162627 0.88 0.377
3 3 1.970249 1.316493 1.42 0.155
control-.5441684 .4442959 -1.22 0.221 -1.414972 .3266356
_cons | -34.72625 25.54131 -1.36 0.174 -84.78629 15.33379
Thank you,
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Mary Ellen Mackesy-Amiti, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Community Outreach Intervention Projects (COIP)
School of Public Health m/c 923
Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
University of Illinois at Chicago
ph. 312-355-4892
fax: 312-996-1450
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