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st: odd grqreg behavior

From   Jeffrey T Grogger <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: odd grqreg behavior
Date   Sun, 13 Mar 2011 16:42:23 -0500

Dear all:
I am trying to estimate quantile treatment effects using sqreg, then plot them using grqreg.  To wit:

set seed 1234567
sqreg allbut_06 treatment _Icl*,quantile(.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9) reps(10) level(95)
grqreg treatment, ci ols save(grtest) level(95)

sqreg produces estimates, and grqreg plots something, but grqreg does not produce the estimates computed by sqreg.  The log file is below, edited for clarity.  The bottom line is that the numbers that grqreg is plotting (in grtest.dta, at bottom of log) are not the coefficients that sqreg is producing.  Any idea what is happening?
. xi i.clust_match
i.clust_match     _Iclust_mat_1-50    (naturally coded; _Iclust_mat_1 omitted)

. set seed 1234567

. sqreg allbut_06 treatment _Icl*,quantile(.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9) reps(10) level(95)
(fitting base model)
(bootstrapping ..........)

Simultaneous quantile regression                     Number of obs =     28048
  bootstrap(10) SEs                                  .10 Pseudo R2 =    0.0691
                                                     .20 Pseudo R2 =    0.0816
                                                     .30 Pseudo R2 =    0.0889
                                                     .40 Pseudo R2 =    0.0949
                                                     .50 Pseudo R2 =    0.0980
                                                     .60 Pseudo R2 =    0.0999
                                                     .70 Pseudo R2 =    0.0996
                                                     .80 Pseudo R2 =    0.0978
                                                     .90 Pseudo R2 =    0.1022

             |              Bootstrap
   allbut_06 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
q10          |
   treatment |      185.5   44.24246     4.19   0.000     98.78263    272.2174
_Iclust_m~_2 |     -815.5    205.061    -3.98   0.000     -1217.43   -413.5704
_Iclust_m~50 |      714.5   311.8173     2.29   0.022     103.3228    1325.677
       _cons |     3560.5   178.9403    19.90   0.000     3209.768    3911.232
q20          |
   treatment |        195   46.32869     4.21   0.000     104.1935    285.8065
_Iclust_m~_2 |    -1458.5   217.0275    -6.72   0.000    -1883.885   -1033.115
_Iclust_m~50 |      387.5   331.0245     1.17   0.242    -261.3241    1036.324
       _cons |     5167.5    259.136    19.94   0.000     4659.581    5675.419
q30          |
   treatment |        152   48.88524     3.11   0.002     56.18255    247.8175
_Iclust_m~_2 |      -1538   207.7434    -7.40   0.000    -1945.187   -1130.813
_Iclust_m~50 |        162   415.5631     0.39   0.697    -652.5239    976.5239
       _cons |       6488   192.1978    33.76   0.000     6111.283    6864.717
q40          |
   treatment |        150   54.50545     2.75   0.006     43.16666    256.8333
_Iclust_m~_2 |      -1771   348.4914    -5.08   0.000     -2454.06    -1087.94
_Iclust_m~50 |       -181   321.9381    -0.56   0.574    -812.0144    450.0144
       _cons |       7791   188.2547    41.39   0.000     7422.012    8159.988
q50          |
   treatment |        170   74.49461     2.28   0.022     23.98693    316.0131
_Iclust_m~_2 |      -1535   332.7787    -4.61   0.000    -2187.263   -882.7375
_Iclust_m~50 |         40   392.3174     0.10   0.919    -728.9611    808.9611
       _cons |       8915   143.1329    62.28   0.000     8634.453    9195.547
q60          |
   treatment |        106   81.76807     1.30   0.195     -54.2694    266.2694
_Iclust_m~_2 |      -1751   366.1833    -4.78   0.000    -2468.737   -1033.263
_Iclust_m~50 |      156.5   307.9239     0.51   0.611    -447.0458    760.0458
       _cons |    10308.5    309.545    33.30   0.000     9701.777    10915.22
q70          |
   treatment |        130    120.192     1.08   0.279    -105.5822    365.5822
_Iclust_m~_2 |      -2505    412.422    -6.07   0.000    -3313.367   -1696.633
_Iclust_m~50 |        -20   442.8143    -0.05   0.964    -887.9377    847.9377
       _cons |      12345    405.513    30.44   0.000     11550.17    13139.83
q80          |
   treatment |         85   142.7379     0.60   0.552    -194.7733    364.7733
_Iclust_m~_2 |      -2221   354.8877    -6.26   0.000    -2916.597   -1525.403
       _cons |      14371   422.0801    34.05   0.000      13543.7     15198.3
q90          |
   treatment |         70   255.9348     0.27   0.784    -431.6446    571.6446
_Iclust_m~_2 |      -3300   584.2882    -5.65   0.000    -4445.233   -2154.767
       _cons |      18330   448.8874    40.83   0.000     17450.16    19209.84

. grqreg treatment, ci ols save(grtest) level(95)
file grtest.dta saved

end of do-file

. use grtest,clear

. list qtile treatment*

     | qtile   treatm~t   treatm~i   treatm~o |
  1. |    .1     318.00     401.56     234.44 |
  2. |    .2     320.00     422.07     217.93 |
  3. |    .3     270.00     401.98     138.02 |
  4. |    .4     304.00     461.43     146.57 |
  5. |    .5     285.00     457.46     112.54 |
  6. |    .6     294.00     481.63     106.37 |
  7. |    .7     285.00     586.44     -16.44 |
  8. |    .8     400.00     623.65     176.35 |
  9. |    .9    1004.50    1489.70     519.30 |
 10. |   .05          .          .          . |
 11. |   .15          .          .          . |
 12. |   .25          .          .          . |
 13. |   .35          .          .          . |
 14. |   .45          .          .          . |
 15. |   .55          .          .          . |
 16. |   .65          .          .          . |
 17. |   .75          .          .          . |
 18. |   .85          .          .          . |


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