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Re: st: doubt on the output format %w.dg

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: doubt on the output format %w.dg
Date   Sat, 12 Mar 2011 12:23:08 +0000

-help format- is the place to start. I think the main thing is not to
expect the rules for  %g formats to be much like those for %f formats.
With %f, you keep most of the control; with %g you give up most of the
control and let Stata decide.


>> From: [email protected]

>> I can not understand the variables' output format %w.dg.
>> How does Stata leave up to the format the number of digits to be displayed to the right of the decimal point if d equals 0 and not more than d digits will be displayed if d!=0.
>> For example,
>> What does "12.0g" mean?
>> Why "di %12.0g 5231371222.139" or "di %12.1g 5231371222.139" equals "5231371222", not "5231371222.1"? (the width of "5231371222" is 10, not 12.)
>> Why "di %12.0g 0.0000029394" equals "2.93940e-06", not "2.9394e-06"?
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