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Re: st: question concerning translation from Matlab to Mata

From   "Brian P. Poi" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: question concerning translation from Matlab to Mata
Date   Thu, 10 Mar 2011 18:09:53 -0500

On 3/10/2011 5:55 PM, DC wrote:
Hi All,

I'm attempting to translate some code for an optimal stopping problem
that I had previously written in Matlab to Mata and I've encountered a
in writing down a likelihood function.

A simplified version in Matlab would be a multinomial logit with three
choices, choice 0 parameter normalized to zero, :
[n k]=size(x);
D = 1+exp(x*b(1:k))+exp(x*b(k+1:2*k));
p_0 = 1./D;
p_1 = exp(x*b(1:k))./D;
p_2 = exp(x*b(k+1:2*k))./D;
lnlike=-sum( (y==0).*log(p_0) + (y==1).*log(p_1) +(y==2).*log(p_2));
However is it not clear how to specify and estimate something like
this using Mata
I tried the following:

void lmle(todo,b,y, x,lnf, S, H)
	k = cols(x)
	b1 = b[1::k,1]
	b2 = b[k+1::2*k,1]
	xb1 = x*b1'
	xb2 = x*b2'
	d = 1 :+ (exp(xb1) + exp(xb1))
	p_0 = 1 :/ d
	p_1 = exp(xb1) :/ d
	p_2 = exp(xb2) :/ d
	lnf = (y==0) :* log(p_0) + (y==1) :* log(p_1)  + (y==2) :* log(p_2)	

S = optimize_init()
optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "gf0")
optimize_init_params(S, J(1,cols(x),0))

b = optimize(S)

One immediate problem is that -optimize- passes the parameters as a row vector, not a column vector, so the lines

> 	b1 = b[1::k,1]
> 	b2 = b[k+1::2*k,1]

should probably be

 	b1 = b[1, 1::k]
 	b2 = b[1, k+1::2*k]

That may or may not be the only problem.

   -- Brian Poi
   -- [email protected]

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