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st: st. sampclus

From   César Mora <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: st. sampclus
Date   Thu, 10 Mar 2011 15:05:11 -0500

Hello Dear All. I have a question about sampsi and sampclus:

First, when you use "sampsi", for example:

sampsi 0.0525 0.075, sd(0.2029) alpha (0.05) power(0.8)


Estimated sample size for two-sample comparison of means

Test Ho: m1 = m2, where m1 is the mean in population 1
                   and m2 is the mean in population 2

        alpha =   0.0500  (two-sided)
        power =   0.8000
           m1 =    .0525
           m2 =     .075
          sd1 =    .2029
          sd2 =    .2029
        n2/n1 =     1.00

Estimated required sample sizes:

           n1 =     1277
           n2 =     1277


* You can capture n1 (=1277) using:  scalar name=r(N_1)

But, after using sampsi, you can use sampclus to correct the sample size using clusters.
For example:

sampclus, rho(0.01) numclus(48)


Sample Size Adjusted for Cluster Design

  n1 (uncorrected) = 1277
  n2 (uncorrected) = 1277

  Intraclass correlation     = .01

  Average obs. per cluster   = 113
  Minimum number of clusters = 48

  Estimated sample size per group:

     n1 (corrected) = 2708
     n2 (corrected) = 2708


* I want to know, how to capture n1(corrected) in scalar. In other words I want to know the equivalent commad "scalar name=r(N_1)" for sampclus.

Thank you very much
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