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Re: st: Merging/summing daily values across time periods in (unbalanced) panel dataset

From   Michael Blasnik <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Merging/summing daily values across time periods in (unbalanced) panel dataset
Date   Wed, 9 Mar 2011 08:14:43 -0500

You can create cumulative sum variables for x1 and x2 in the daily
dataset and just keep the date and those two sum variables.  Then you
can open the master dataset and merge on the date_from to the
cumulative sum dataset.  Then rename the cumulative sum variables
(e.g., to x1_from and x2_from ) and re-merge using the date_to
variable.  You then just subtract the date_from cumulative sum from
the date_to cumulative sum for each variable to get the sums between
the dates.

Michael Blasnik

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 7:57 AM, Amanda Dwelley <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thanks, good point! The same daily x1 x2 apply to everyone in the
> master dataset - to start, a "merge" ID could be 1 for everyone in the
> master data set and all of the using data set.
> Master data set looks like:
> id date_from date_to  merge_id
> 2 07apr2009 09jun2009  1
> 2 10jun2009 03jul2009  1
> 3 16may2009 12jun2009  1
> 3 13jun2009 10jul2009  1
> (~50,000 observations; time periods at irregular intervals)
> Daily data could look like:
> merge_id  date x1 x2
> 1  02jun2009 5.7 0
> 1  03jun2009 2.3 0
> 1  04jun2009 0 2
> 1  05jun2009 0 3.5
> (3 yrs of daily values that are same on each day for each person in
> master data set)
> For example, for first observation in master data, looking for sum of
> x1 from April 7-June 9, and sum of x2 within same dates.
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:47 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I see no information on identifiers in your daily dataset.
>> Nick
>> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 10:15 PM, Amanda Dwelley <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> I'm looking for suggestions on how to join and sum daily x values from one
>>> dataset into time periods defined by a start date and end date in another
>>> (panel) data set.
>>> Master data set looks like:
>>> id date_from date_to
>>> 1 07apr2009 09jun2009
>>> 1 10jun2009 03jul2009
>>> 2 13jun2009 10jul2009
>>> 2 11jul2009 05aug2009
>>> (~50,000 observations; time periods at irregular intervals)
>>> Daily data looks like:
>>> date x1 x2
>>> 02jun2009 5.7 0
>>> 03jun2009 2.3 0
>>> 04jun2009 0 2
>>> 05jun2009 0 3.5
>>> (3 yrs of daily values)
>>> As you can see the using data could be in wide or long format.
>>> If I merge the wide format daily data into the master dataset, is there any
>>> way to reference/look for the dates in variable names that are between the
>>> start/end date, and sum associated variables? If using the long format of
>>> the daily data, is there a way to sum values between start/end dates during
>>> a join or merge?
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> --
> Amanda Dwelley
> 919-289-9593
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