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Re: st: Importing CVS files after "clear" command?
Sergio Villamayor Tomas <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Importing CVS files after "clear" command?
Sun, 6 Mar 2011 19:25:37 -0500
Hi Nick,
Thanks for your reply.
This is what I did:
I imported a CSV file into STATA. Then I typed "clear" in the command
box (I just wanted to try it out). Then STATA cleared all the variables
of my imported CSV file. Then, I closed STATA. Then I created a new
copy of my CSV file (from an original excel file). Then tried to
import again the CSV file and, although STATA imported it, it only read
the labels of the file. It looks like it did not recognized the numbers
of the file.
I read all the threads in statalist after searching by "clear" and,
maybe it was not that helpful because my STATA knowledge is pretty
limited yet.
Sorry if my question is too dummy.
Quoting Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
Precisely what -clear- does is explained in its help.
Your difficulty is not clear to me. Please specify exactly what
commands you typed and exactly what Stata did or did not do in
Your claim to have read all the threads in Statalist stretches
credibility somewhat....
On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 11:53 PM, Sergio Villamayor Tomas
<[email protected]> wrote:
I just typed "clear" in the command box and now it seems that Stata does not
read the variables in any of my CSV files when I import them.
I read all the threads at Statalist archives but I am not able to find any
hints there besides realizing that "clear" not only clears the dataset from
memory, it also clears many other things too...
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