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Re: st: Re: Variable selection
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Re: Variable selection
Fri, 4 Mar 2011 10:30:11 +0000
Maarten showed a different approach, but Martyn's question still remains.
What Martyn needed with his approach was to use & instead of |.
if "`v'" !="chew" & " `v'" !="subject" {
Think of it this way. With | as operator, "chew" is excluded by the
first condition, but not the second, while the opposite is true for
"subject". Hence, as reported, both get through. So & is the operator
needed, because you want to exclude both.
Another way to do it is with
if !inlist("`v'", "chew", "subject")
and that approach can be less messy, although there is a limit on the
number of arguments.
I will comment separately on Maarten's solution.
On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Sherriff, Martyn
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I have a dataset with 125 variables and I only need to analyse a subset of them. Rather than write a 'locaI' to include the variables that I wish to analyse I have tried to exclude the variables that I do not want as follows:
> qui:findname
> foreach v of varlist `r(varlist)'{
> if "`v'" !="chew" {
> kwallis `v',by(ur6)
> }
> }
> And this works for the exclusion of a single variable. However if I include more than one variable:
> if "`v'" !="chew" |" `v'" !="subject" {
> then no variables are excluded.
> Could somebody advise me of the syntax error that I am making - or an improved way of solving the problem?
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