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Re: st: how to cite others' code?

From   Ronan Conroy <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: how to cite others' code?
Date   Thu, 3 Mar 2011 12:51:56 +0000

On 3 Mar 2011, at 10:23, Nick Cox wrote:

> A belated postscript to this, and broadening the issue beyond
> Rebecca's question:
> Let's take it as understood that code you used published through
> journal articles or books should be acknowledged in the same sort of
> way as any other journal articles or books.

A final consideration: if someone makes substantial additions to a command at your behest in order for you to write a paper, consider making them an author! Jean-Benoit Hardouin was kind enough to add numerous features to his -clv- command for us, and my wife and I realised that the paper had materially benefited from his work, so, to his surprise, he found himself an author. 

Ronán Conroy
[email protected]
Associate Professor
Division of Population Health Sciences
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Beaux Lane House
Dublin 2

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