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st: margins command after "control function" IV negative binomial
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st: margins command after "control function" IV negative binomial
Wed, 02 Mar 2011 17:52:04 -0500
I am estimating a negative binomial model with two endogenous
regressors, the second of which is an interaction between the
endogenous variable and an exogenous term. I am using what Wooldridge
calls the control function approach. Cameron and Trivedi describe
its implementation in Stata (2010, 607-609).
The two endogenous variables, Y1, and Y1_X1 (Y1 interacted with an
exogenous variable. Both are interval level variables.)
The system is overidentified. I estimate the first stage equations.
(IV=instrument; IV1_X1 = IV1*X1, IV2_X1- IV2*X1 ).
reg Y1 X1 IV1 IV2 IV1_X1 IV2_X1, vce(cluster ID)
predict y1_resid, resid
reg Y1_X1 X1 IV1 IV2 IV1_X1 IV2_X1, vce(cluster ID)
predict y1x1_resid, resid
I then estimate the 2nd stage:
nbreg Y2 X1 Y1 Y1_X1 y1_resid y1x1_resid, vce(cluster id)
The problem comes in calculating the predicted counts at various
levels of the key variables, e.g.,:
margins, predict (n) atmeans at(X1=2 Y1=5 Y1_X1=10)
This produces huge predicted counts, often several times the maximum
predicted count for the model: predict nbreg_hat, n)
Insofar as I can tell, the problem arises because I am setting the
values of the endogenous variables but letting margins set the two
residual terms at their means. (The endogenous variables and their
respective first stage residuals are correlated at about .7). But if
that?s the mistake, I don?t know at what values I should set the
residual terms to get the correct predicted counts. (Setting the
residual terms at the same values as the respective endogenous terms
does not seem to produce sensible results either).
Thanks in advance for any light you might shed on this problem... or
guidance toward an altogether different approach.
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