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st: Sequence analysis: sqom full problem

From   Office 2004 Test Drive User <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Sequence analysis: sqom full problem
Date   Tue, 01 Mar 2011 13:58:04 -0500

Title: Sequence analysis: sqom full problem

Sorry if this is a duplicate message.

I am relatively new to sequence analysis with Stata and have been trying to execute the following command with my data set which maps organizational transitions over a 10 year, 120 month period.

When I enter the following:

sqom, k(2) full standard(longer)
this is the output:

Perform 3665278 Comparisons with Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm
Running mata function

Nothing proceeds beyond this point and I have waited up to 45 minutes for a response.
I am using Stata II SE and have installed the most recent updates. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

JK Ohgami

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