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Re: st: Stata SE 11.1 memory problem

From   Eric Booth <[email protected]>
To   "<[email protected]>" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Stata SE 11.1 memory problem
Date   Sat, 26 Feb 2011 02:58:08 +0000

On Feb 25, 2011, at 6:50 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:

> Thank you for your answer. I have 6GB RAM. I am running nothing else than
> Stata. I have the threads but no help.

What type of OS are you running?  One of the threads I mentioned includes some mention about 64-bit OS's that still limit users to 2 or 4 GB (e.g., Win7 Starter) (see:   and  ) .  
Also, you may have not opened any programs, but there are always things running in the background (again, _possibly_ enough to take up 700mb of memory and leave you ~ 1300mb to work with (?) ).   In the first thread link I provided, the Stata technical support response mentions how to look at your task manager (or your OS's equivalent)  to examine your system resources before starting Stata and while trying to set the memory in Stata.

> One of the files I have is 244 Mb,
> the other one is small. Is there a way to tell to the operating system to
> devote more memory to Stata? I am using very typical financial databases,
> therefore there is probably a way to work with these datasets.

 A few years ago, when I was running WinXP (with Stata 9 or 10), I had some luck getting  higher memory allocation by "stepping up" my memory -- try running this code and see if it hits the same 1300m ceiling:

forval n = 100(100)6000 {
	qui set mem `n'm
	qui query mem
	di in y  "`r(memory)'"
If you only need a subset of this data you could specify that in your -use- statement (e.g.,  - use var1-var5 using "myfile.dta", clear - ), but that doesn't solve your issue. 

Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]

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