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st: Bubble graph line style question

From   "Schaffer, Mark E" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Bubble graph line style question
Date   Sun, 6 Feb 2011 23:13:36 -0000

Hi all.  I'm trying to tweak a "bubble graph", i.e., a scatterplot where
the markers are proportional to some variable and hollow (=bubble-like).

There are a lot of points to plot and the effect is overwhelming, so I
want the outline of the bubbles to be dashed or dotted or something like
that.  But I can't get the -mlstyle- option to do this.  The bubble
outlines look thin but solid.

Here's an example using the auto dataset.  If I say mlstyle(dot),

twoway (scatter price mpg [aw=displacement], msymbol(Oh) mlstyle(dot) )

the effect isn't very obvious - the bubble lines are thin but

If I specify a formula for the line pattern style that says use a dot
and lots of spaces,

twoway (scatter price mpg [aw=displacement], msymbol(Oh)
mlstyle(".##########") )

I can't see any difference - the bubble lines are still solid.

Any ideas?


NB: Stata 11.1 running under Windows XP.

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