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re: st: unconditional fixed effect logit

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   re: st: unconditional fixed effect logit
Date   Sun, 30 Jan 2011 08:40:05 -0500

The unit of analysis for my data is firm-country-year and my dependent variable is 0 or 1. If firm A entered country X in year 2000, the value for dependent variable is 1 for firmA - CountryX - yr2000 combination.

when I declare data before logit, if I try to group the data by "firms" to control for each firm's fixed effect, the stata won't run this because for each "firm", the data varies not only by years but also by country.

help egen. Look for the group() function.

Kit Baum
[email protected]

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