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st: RE: RE: comparing yearly surveys (graphs)

From   Lucie Vlach <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: comparing yearly surveys (graphs)
Date   Mon, 24 Jan 2011 12:29:53 -0700

Thank you Nick!
I am hoping that I do not have to present any overlaps to my audience of this survey. I'll do the catplot (which I really like!) and see how they take it.
From: [email protected] [[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox [[email protected]]
Sent: January 24, 2011 12:18 PM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: st: RE: comparing yearly surveys (graphs)

Specifically on -catplot- from SSC, which I wrote: I don't understand your comment "but it's side by side". Any way, an -hbar- is just the default. You can -recast(bar)- or -recast(dot)-.

I don't understand the enthusiasm here, or indeed anywhere, for overlapping bars, but -catplot- can be coaxed, or coerced, into producing them.

-tabplot- from SSC is also dedicated to categorical data, among other alternatives.

[email protected]

Lucie Vlach

I need to visually compare survey results that will be done each year. (Virtually all same questions each year).
I have unique IDs for each respondent, and I created a variable for the year as "survey_yr" and use 2010, 2009 etc..
Is there a nice graph that would show each question comparing by the years?

"our_ID","survey_yr","q1position", etc.....
"25","2010","1","8","4","2","6","0", etc...

I tried this:

catplot  "myvariable1", percent by (survey_yr) ysize(3) ytitle (Title of the chart) blabel (bar, format (%4.1f))

This works well, but it's side by side. Is there anything that would do either frequencies of the categorical data or percentages that will show the bars overlapping or showing clearly the differences between years?
I am not very good at Stata, so I am looking for something easy for Stata-dummies.

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