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Re: st: Calculate "running" standard deviation
Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Calculate "running" standard deviation
Thu, 20 Jan 2011 13:14:39 -0500
Christopher <[email protected]> :
No need to generate variables inside your loop.
-in- is usually faster than -if- but you might want to exploit -tsset-
if you are worried about gaps in data.
Also, it's a bad idea to name a program -test- since that is a useful
official Stata command.
Try this slight modification (further improvements are possible):
clear all
input str3 country year value
"GBR" 2001 10
"GBR" 2002 20
"GBR" 2003 25
"USA" 2001 30
"USA" 2002 10
"USA" 2003 15
g sdev=.
program putsd, byable(recall)
syntax varlist(max=1) [, sdv(varlist min=1 max=1)]
local first = _byn1()
local last = _byn2()
forv x=`first'/`last' {
qui su `varlist' in `first'/`x'
replace `sdv' = r(sd) in `x'
bys country (year): putsd value, sdv(sdev)
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Poliquin, Christopher
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am attempting to calculate a "running" standard deviation on some time series data. The idea is each row has a standard deviation that is based solely on past observations. The data looks like...
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | GBR 2001 10
> | GBR 2002 20 this one based on GBR-2002 and GBR-2001
> | GBR 2003 25 this one based on all the GBR observations
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | USA 2001 30 this one based only on this row
> | USA 2002 10 this one based on USA-2001 and USA-2002
> | USA 2003 15
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
> So I need to fill in the SDEV column, with the stat grouped by country, and based only on years prior to the year in the YEAR column.
> I think I have a solution, but I can't believe it's the best way to do this. Here is my code...
> gen obs = _n
> program test, byable(recall)
> local first = _byn1()
> local last = _byn2()
> forvalues x=`first'(1)`last' {
> quietly gen y = VALUE if obs <= `x' & obs >= `first'
> quietly egen w = sd(y)
> replace SDEV = w in `x'
> drop y w
> }
> end
> by COUNTRY : test
> Could the experts please give a critique of the above? Especially considering that I am working with about 80,000 rows, not 6.
> Also, there must be better words to describe what I want. "Running standard deviation" doesn't sound like the best term.
> Best wishes,
> Chris
> ------------------------
> Research Associate
> Harvard Business School
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