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st: cm2in updated on SSC

From   Ulrich Kohler <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: cm2in updated on SSC
Date   Thu, 30 Sep 2010 15:52:33 +0200

Courtesy of Kit Baum, cm2in.ado is updated on the SSC-Archive. cm2in.ado
have been made available on SSC several month ago, but never advertised
on Statalist. Hereby I make up leeway.

cm2in converts length or lists of length given in one metric unit into
various other metric units. The program is focused on converting
centimeters to inches but it also provides conversion from/to the
following other units:

    Unit   Explanation
    cm     centimeter
    m      meter
    in     international inch
    ft     international feet
    yd     international yard
    mi     statute mile
    pt     desktop publishing point (PostScript point)
    pica   computer pica

cm2in allows as input numbers or keywords for some standard paper
format. If a number is specified the number is converted to all the
metric units mentioned above. If no unit is given, cm is implied. The
metric unit of the number can be specified with the number, or with
option unit(), or both. 

cm2in allows as input the specification of keywords for some standard
paper formats. If a keyword is specified, the program shows the height
and width of the specified paper format in the various metric units. The
paper format is requested by any of the following keywords:

    Keyword           Explanation
    American paper formats
    letter            Letter format
    legal             Legal format
    executive         Executive format
    tabloid           Tabloid format (Synonym: ledger)
    broadsheet        Broadsheet format

    German paper formats (aka ISO 216)
    A0, A1, ..., A10  German DIN A formats
    B0, B1, ..., B10  German DIN B formats
    C0, C1, ..., C10  German DIN C formats
    D0, D1, ..., D10  German DIN D formats

    Special formats   
    Graph             Size of active graph scheme


The keyword specification of cm2in can be useful for controlling the
size of a graph using the  options xsize() and ysize(). Here, for
example we use the command to get a figure in A4 format:

. sysuse auto
. cm2in A4
. graph dot mpg, over(make) ysize(`r(in1)') xsize(`r(in2)')

Specifying the command without a paper format or a number defaults to
converting 1cm into the  other metric units.

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